On skillful decadal predictions of the subpolar North Atlantic

2019 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift Vol. 28 No. 5 (2019), p. 417 - 428

Höschel, I. | Illing, S., Grieger, J., Ulbrich, U., Cubasch, U.

Skill and added value of the MiKlip regional decadal prediction system for temperature over Europe

2019 - Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography, 71:1, 1-19

Feldmann, H. | Pinto, J.G., Laube, N., Uhlig, M., Moemken, J., Pasternack, A., Früh, B., Pohlmann, H., Kottmeier, C.

Revisiting interannual to decadal teleconnections influencing seasonal rainfall in the Greater Horn of Africa during the 20th century

2019 - International Journal of Climatology

Titike K. Bahaga | Andreas H. Fink, Peter Knippertz

Interdecadal changes in the leading ocean forcing of Sahelian rainfall interannual variability: Atmospheric dynamics and role of multidecadal SST background.


Roberto Suárez-Moreno | Belén Rodríguez-Fonseca, Jesús A. Barroso, and Andreas H. Fink

Assessing recovery and change in West Africa’s rainfall regime from a 161-year record

2018 - Int J Climatol. 2018;1 – 17.

Sharon E. Nicholson | Andreas H. Fink, | Chris Funk

Parametric decadal climate forecast recalibration (DeFoReSt 1.0)

2018 - Geosci. Model Dev., 11, 351-368, 2018

Alexander Pasternack | Jonas Bhend, Mark A. Liniger, Henning W. Rust, Wolfgang A. Müller, Uwe Ulbrich

Rainfall over the African continent from the 19th through the 21st century

2017 - Global and Planetary Change, Volume 165, June 2018, Pages 114-127

Nicholson, S. E., | C. Funk, and A. H. Fink

A meteorological and 5chemical overview of the DACCIWA field campaign in West Africa in June–July 2016

2017 - Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17, 10893–10918

Knippertz, P. | Fink, A. H., Deroubaix, A., Morris, E., Tocquer, F., Evans, M. J., Flamant, C., Gaetani, M., Lavaysse, C., Mari, C., Marsham, J. H., Meynadier, R., Affo-Dogo, A., Bahaga, T., Brosse, F., Deetz, K., Guebsi, R., Latifou, I., Maranan, M., Rosenberg, P. D., and Schlueter, A.

Verification and process oriented validation of the MiKlip decadal prediction system

2016 - Meteorologische Zeitschrift Vol. 25 No. 6, p. 629 - 630

Editorial to Module E special issue

Kaspar, F. | H.W. Rust, U. Ulbrich and P. Becker

Bias and drift of the mid-range decadal climate prediction system (MiKlip) validated by European radiosonde data

2016 - Met. Z., Vol. 25 No. 6 (2016), p. 709 - 720

Pattantyús-Ábrahám, M. | C. Kadow, S. Illing, W. Müller, H. Pohlmann, W. Steinbrecht